This week’s challenge comes from a suggestion by DaveRackliff: Watch a movie based on/featuring a word from the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
So first off, that alphabet in full: A = Alpha, B = Bravo, C = Charlie, D = Delta, E = Echo, F = Foxtrot, G = Golf, H = Hotel, I = India, J = Juliett, K = Kilo, L = Lima, M = Mike, N = November, O = Oscar, P = Papa, Q = Quebec, R = Romeo, S = Sierra, T = Tango, U = Uniform, V = Victor, W = Whiskey, X = X-ray, Y = Yankee, Z = Zulu
Now where do you begin, you could watch any movie with any of those words in the title, where one of those words plays a key plot point, OR taking "names" like Mike, Charlie, Oscar etc. watch a movie starring an actor with one of those names, or one of those names is the name of key character in the movie.
These movies are mentioned in the video as potential suggestions for the challenge.